Ultrapulse CO2 laser treatment of Endometriosis and Pelvic Adhesions

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Ultrapulse Laser Laparoscopy for Endometriosis and Pelvic Adhesions


The Ultrapulse CO2 laser can provide unique high energy and low duration pulses of energy that vaporize tissue with very little damage to surrounding tissues. In our opinion, the Ultrapulse CO2 laser is the most desirable surgical instrument for the laparoscopic treatment of endometriosis and pelvic adhesions since it is able to vaporize abnormal tissue (including endometriosis and pelvic scar tissue) without producing char (carbonization that results from overheating of tissue), with minimal risk of thermal damage (burn injury) to surrounding normal tissue, and with little desiccation (drying) of the tissue that is treated. This is very important since there is increased tissue inflammation along with greater postoperative pain, slower tissue healing, increased postoperative scar formation, and weaker healing when there is char, burn injury or desiccation of the surgically treated tissue.


Plastic Surgeons use the Ultrapulse CO2 laser as their gold standard surgical instrument for the cosmetic treatment of wrinkles and skin scars due to these exceptional qualities. The results after Ultrapulse CO2 laser treatment of skin abnormalities are far superior than when other instruments are used. For more information on this laser see their website at http://www.aesthetic.lumenis.com/wt/page/ultrapulse


The Ultrapulse CO2 laser has been used for about 20 years for the laparoscopic treatment of pelvic endometriosis and adhesions by many of the best reproductive surgeons since the postoperative healing of the delicate pelvic tissues is often remarkable. This then relates to improved fertility and less pelvic pain.


We stress that the endometriosis lesions are often deep and they must be removed in their entirety for optimal longterm benefits. The Ultrapulse CO2 laser allows the operator to vaporize tissue down to the base of the lesion even when they are deep, since there is extremely little risk of burn injury with this laser waveform. This laser is unique in that it allows vaporization of abnormal tissue with virtually complete sparing of the surrounding normal tissue. Some surgeons claim that if the lesions are not removed (excised) with cutting instruments then the base of deeper lesions often remains untreated. However, excision with cutting instruments always causes damage to the underlying normal tissues since (1) some normal tissue is removed with the endometriosis lesions when deep cuts are performed, and (2) the remaining normal tissue bleeds so that it must be cauterized (which produces char and burn injury). When laparoscopy has been performed on our patients who have little relief from pain after manual excision of endometriosis with cutting instruments or scissors the amount of scar tissue is often extensive.


Many operating rooms unfortunately do not have an Ultrapulse CO2 laser available seemingly since it is extremely expensive, it must be properly maintained, and many surgeons do not have the experience to be comfortable with this laser waveform.


Dr. Eric Daiter at The NJ Center for Fertility and Reproductive Medicine, LLC has been using the Ultrapulse CO2 laser routinely since the early 1990s and Dr Daiter has personally performed thousands of Ultrapulse CO2 laser laparoscopic surgical cases for the treatment of endometriosis. Results in terms of reduction of pelvic pain and improved fertility have often been remarkable. For more information, consider a consultation with Dr. Daiter at 908 226 0250 or visit us on the web at http://www.drericdaitermd.com http://www.infertilitytutorials.com or http://www.ericdaiter.com


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