Infertility Treatment – The Procedure at a Glance

If you are considering infertility treatment, you are bound to be overwhelmed by all of the information and options out there. Below you will find some basic information about infertility treatments available at most fertility clinics. For more specific information, visit a fertility specialist near you.


There are three basic types of infertility treatments:


Fertility Drug Therapy – The purpose of drugs such as Clomid® is to induce ovulation and help women with irregular menstrual cycles manage their cycles better.

Artificial Insemination – This involves the direct injection of male sperm into the female reproductive tract in an attempt to achieve pregnancy. This method is done in conjunction with fertility drug therapy.

Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) – This method involves the removal of the egg from the female. The best known form of assisted reproductive technology is in vitro fertilization (IVF). Other forms include gamete intrafallopian transfer (GIFT) and intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). These methods may or may not be accompanied by fertility drug therapy.


The success rate for any of these procedures is less than 25 percent in general. The chances of success rely largely on the reason for infertility, the age and general health of the woman attempting to become pregnant, and many other factors. For couples who fail to achieve pregnancy even after undergoing fertility drug therapy, artificial insemination, and various assisted reproductive technology methods, fertility surgery may be an option.


The cost of certain fertility treatments may be partially covered by some insurance policies; however, many fertility treatments are considered to be elective and, therefore, are not covered by most insurance companies.


To determine the best course of fertility treatment for you, visit a reputable clinic in your area. Be sure to ask many questions of the doctors and staff during your consultation, and do not hesitate to ask for clarification if any of the points are unclear. This is, after all, your future family that you are entrusting to these infertility specialists.

Original Author Michele Wallace

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