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Normally, the woman’s egg is fertilized by a sperm cell within her fallopian tube and the developing pre-implantation embryo enters the uterine cavity within a few days. The pre-implantation embryo continues to develop in the uterus and when the embryo is ready, the blastocyst stage embryo hatches from the soft shell and implants into the endometrial lining of the uterine cavity. 


If there are any structural abnormalities of the uterine cavity or problems with the hormonal preparation of the endometrial lining, then the success rate of embryo implantation falls dramatically.


When structural abnormalities of the uterine cavity are suggested, often by radiological tests such as the hysterosalpingogram or sonohysterogram, then hysteroscopy can further assess and treat these problems. Structural abnormalities include endometrial polyps (organized overgrowths of the endometrium), submucosal myomas (fibroids projecting into the cavity), adhesions (synechiae or scar tissue of the uterine cavity), or Mullerian anomalies (abnormalities in the early development of the uterus).


Hysteroscopy is a minimally invasive surgical procedure that allows the operator to directly view the uterine cavity using a thin fiber-optic lighted telescope-like tube that is placed through the vaginal vault and uterine cervix. Hysteroscopy uses a distention medium (to separate the inner walls of the uterine cavity to enhance visualization) and if this medium is liquid then continuous flow of this fluid allows removal of tissue debris and blood clot during the case to maintain a clear view. Surgical instruments can be introduced through the hysteroscope and involve mechanical tools like scissors and electrosurgical tools like a resectoscope loop. These tools can be used to repair abnormalities within the uterine cavity.


Risks involved with diagnostic and simple operative hysteroscopy are minimal. These risks remain small and the procedure is safe even when advanced operative hysteroscopy is performed. The primary risks include puncturing the uterine wall (perforation), excessive bleeding, and fluid buildup in your body.


At The NJ Center for Fertility and Reproductive Medicine, LLC, Dr. Eric Daiter has extensive experience with operative hysteroscopy for greater than 15 years and he would like to try to help you. For an appointment to discuss your situation with Dr. Daiter, please call the office at 908 226 0250. Also, please visit us on the web at http://www.drericdaitermd.com http://www.infertilitytutorials.com and http://www.ericdaiter.com

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