Ovulation and Infertility
In order for natural human reproduction to be successful, several different events must take place. The woman must mature and release a fertilization capable egg from her ovary at ovulation. The man must release motile sperm capable of traversing the woman’s reproductive tract during intercourse. The sperm must move into and through the uterine cervical mucus, then through the uterine cavity, then into the fallopian tubes where it must fertilize the egg. The fertilized egg (pre-implantation embryo) develops within the fallopian tube for 4-5 days and then must move into the uterine cavity where it implants and continues to grow.
Reproductive age women normally have monthly menstrual cycle intervals. In the follicular phase of the menstrual cycle, eggs develop within ovarian cysts that are called follicles, under the primary stimulus of the hormone FSH (follicle stimulating hormone). Once a mature egg has developed, the hormone LH surges and this LH surge triggers the egg to prepare for fertilization and the ovary to release the egg into the pelvis at ovulation. Following ovulation, the ovary remains quite active and produces large amounts of the hormone progesterone, which prepares the uterine cavity’s endometrial lining for embryo implantation.
Fertility can be compromised and infertility can result whenever the ovary has problems accomplishing all of these functions (and more). If menstrual cycle intervals become irregular, then consulting with a Reproductive Endocrinologist can allow you to develop a management plan with diagnostic tests and treatment alternatives.
Dr. Eric Daiter at The NJ Center for Fertility and Reproductive Medicine, LLC is board certified in Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility and he has over 20 years experience with ovulation problems and menstrual irregularities. Dr. Daiter would be happy to help you to determine the cause of an ovulation problem and suggest treatment options. For an appointment to discuss your situation with Dr. Daiter, please call the office at 908 226 0250. Please visit us on the web at http://www.drericdaitermd.com http://infertilitytutorials.com and http://www.ericdaiter.com